A few examples, demonstrating specific features.
Sample Content
Various sample content examples.
Various sample content examples. Blog Post
An example of a typical blog post.
An example of a typical blog post. Image Exif Tags
Click the images below to view photos with EXIF data tags.
Click the images below to view photos with EXIF data tags. Image Links
Link to other pages or websites directly from your images. This feature may be useful for portfolio- or product pages.
Link to other pages or websites directly from your images. This feature may be useful for portfolio- or product pages. Html Captions
It's cool to use some html in your image titles and descriptions!
It's cool to use some html in your image titles and descriptions! www.photo.gallery
Use the link setting to link- and redirect the page to any url.
Use the link setting to link- and redirect the page to any url. Popup Link
Using the link-feature combined with popup, allows you to open menu links in a popup interface.
Using the link-feature combined with popup, allows you to open menu links in a popup interface.